High School Principal
No longer accepting applications
Start Date: July 1, 2025
Coed, Grades PK – 12
Independent Day School, 1400 Students
One Waverley Place
London NW8 0NP
United Kingdom
Educators Collaborative is pleased to assist the American School in London (ASL) in its search for its next High School Principal to begin July 1, 2025.
The School
The American School in London is an independent, college-preparatory, preK-12 day school, providing an exceptional American education to an international student body in the heart of London. We celebrate innovation and individuality, and applaud academic success. Students thrive amid high expectations and the joy of authentic learning experiences. Through the lens of intercultural competency, we inspire students to engage with others across lines of difference in a changing world.
Mission Statement
The American School in London empowers each student to thrive as a lifelong learner and courageous global citizen by fostering intellect, creativity, inclusivity and character.
High School Curriculum
Our school community works collaboratively to encourage and support the healthy development of our students, their social-emotional well-being, and their academic ability. Our faculty and staff in the High School put students at the center of every discussion. Students themselves are expected to play an important role in determining the paths that they will forge during their time in the High School. While evolving their sense of independence, academic acumen, and sense of self, students practice and internalize ASL’s core values—respect, responsibility, kindness, integrity and the courage to act.

Leadership Profile for the Next High School Principal
The High School Principal is a member of the School’s senior leadership team, answering directly to the Head of School and responsible for all activities that affect the education and the lives of students in the High School.
Leadership of the High School faculty and staff, numbering roughly 90 faculty and staff members, is a central responsibility for the Principal. The High School leadership team consists of the Assistant Principal, the Director of Student Life, the Director of Academic Advising and College Counseling, and the Director of Athletics.
The opportunity to serve as the High School Principal at ASL is an exciting and challenging one. The High School is home to a top-notch faculty who embrace positive growth for themselves and the School. They are eager to keep momentum going in a variety of areas. Students and parents are highly engaged and positive about their school, and outcomes by any measure are excellent.
Application Materials Requested
Candidates interested in this position are asked to submit the following materials in a single merged pdf file to Mary Seppala and Pilar Cabeza de Vaca as soon as possible. Dossiers will be reviewed upon receipt.
- EC Candidate Summary Sheet (contact consultants, Mary and Pilar, for this document)
- Letter of Interest addressed to the Search Committee
- Current résumé
- Statement of Educational Leadership
- A list of five or more references with contact information (name, relationship to candidate, phone and
email address) - EC Disclosure Form (contact consultants below for this document)
If interested please contact:
Pilar Cabeza de Vaca, Educators Collaborative
Mary Seppala, Educators Collaborative
Mary’s Bio
Listing Date: June 22, 2024

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