Head of School search for East Woods School

East Woods School
Head of School

Start Date: July 1, 2026

Coed Day School, Pre-nursery to Grade 8

Enrollment: 207 Students

31 Yellow Cote Road Oyster Bay, NY 11771

Educators Collaborative is pleased to assist East Woods School in its Head of School search for its next Head of School, to begin July 1, 2026.

The School

East Woods School, founded in 1946, and set on a beautiful 46-acre campus in Oyster Bay, NY, is a close-knit, co-educational, private day school for Pre-Nursery through Eighth Grade.  Small by design, East Woods offers a broad range of opportunities for academic and personal growth in a learning community that is both rigorous and nurturing.  East Woods students receive individualized attention and differentiated instruction from experienced teachers in a supportive, family-centered environment distinguished by high standards, high expectations, and high spirits.  East Woods’ graduates enter secondary school as curious, confident, and conscientious students who are equipped to excel in the classroom and eager to contribute as caring citizens of their school and broader communities.  East Woods is fully accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools and is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools.

Through its total program, East Woods School seeks to instill in each student a lifelong love of learning and an appreciation of self-worth. A supportive and caring faculty encourages students to meet challenges, strive for personal success, and recognize their own strengths and learning styles.

The exciting multi-disciplinary curriculum is literacy based in all grades, and public speaking is encouraged throughout. The visual and performing arts begin in the Early Childhood Program and build through Eighth Grade. Integration of technology becomes more sophisticated with each grade. Academics go well beyond the classroom – with off-campus trips and other meaningful programs. Inter-age activities create a strong school spirit and mutual respect among students.  East Woods School strives to prepare the young minds entrusted with its care with the critical thinking skills to meet any challenge – whether academic, ethical, or personal – in a way that respects each child’s abilities and individuality.

At the core of its programs is a highly dedicated team of teachers, administrators, and staff with a large majority holding advanced degrees and significant teaching experience.

The East Woods Board of Trustees is committed to its function as the school’s governing body. The Board does not involve itself in the day-to-day operations of the school or in carrying out policy unless asked by the Head of School to assist in some manner.  Understanding fully their fiduciary, strategic, and generative responsibilities, the Board takes great pride in its commitment to good governance.

An Outstanding Leadership Opportunity

East Woods School seeks a leader who enthusiastically embraces and champions the school’s mission of  fostering strength of character and academic excellence while developing and encouraging creativity, intellectual curiosity, and a lifelong passion for learning.   The successful candidate will bring a professional approach distinguished by enthusiasm, compassion, and humility. With experience in an independent school setting, the ideal leader will reflect:

  • A commitment to the mission of East Woods School and its community.
  • Track record of successfully increasing student enrollment through effective recruitment strategies and the ability to manage and sustain growth while maintaining the school’s values and culture.
  • Exceptional fundraising expertise with a proven ability to lead successful fundraising campaigns and cultivate donor relationships.
  • Excellent communication skills, including strong  public speaking, and the ability to remain calm under pressure.
  • A warm, collaborative, and approachable demeanor. 
  • The ability to build relationships and trust quickly in both the internal and external communities.

The comprehensive Information for Candidates will be posted in early February.

Educators Collaborative is supporting East Woods School in its Head of School search.

How to Apply

Please reach out to the consultants with any questions or to learn more about this opportunity. Candidates interested in this position are asked to submit the following materials by March 14, 2025.

  • EC Candidate Summary Sheet and EC Disclosure Form (contact Deirdre Ling or Carole Everett for these documents)
  • Letter of Interest addressed to the Search Committee
  • Current résumé
  • Statement of Educational Leadership
  • A list of five or more professional references with contact information (name, relationship to candidate, phone number, and email addresses)

Application materials should be sent via email in a single, merged pdf file to:

Deirdre Ling, Partner, Educators Collaborative,


Carole Everett, Partner, Educators Collaborative,


Compensation and benefits are competitive, with an anticipated salary range of $225,000 to $250,000. Housing is provided in a beautiful Head of School home on campus.

Listing Date: January 21, 2025