Executive Director
Start Date: July 1, 2026
Regional Independent School Association
55 West Wacker, Suite 701, Chicago, IL 60601
Executive Director Search for the Independent Schools Association of the Central States
Educators Collaborative is pleased to partner with ISACS in the search for an Executive Director to begin July 1, 2026.
About the Organization
ISACS serves more than 240 member schools covering a 13-state region, offering accreditation services, professional
learning, and opportunities for networking. The ISACS mission is to lead schools in providing exemplary education.
ISACS is committed to helping members be innovators and leaders in American precollegiate education and to do so in a manner that shows a commitment to continuous improvement with regard to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

ISACS Mission
ISACS leads schools to pursue exemplary independent education.
ISACS schools empower all students to contribute and thrive in a diverse and changing world.
Learn more about the position in the Information for Candidates.
How to Apply
Interested candidates should submit the following materials in a single merged document, in the following order, by February 28, 2025:
- EC Candidate Summary Sheet (Contact a consultant, below, for this document)
- Letter of Interest addressed to the Search Committee which conveys candidate’s understanding of the challenges and opportunities of leading a regional association like ISACS. Please include or share specific leadership experiences that have prepared you for the role.
- Current CV
- Contact information for five professional references with name, relationship, phone number, and email address of each (references will not be contacted without the candidate’s permission)
- EC Disclosure Form (Contact a consultant, below, for this document)
André Withers, Partner, Educators Collaborative
Joan Beauregard, Partner, Educators Collaborative
Lisa Lyle, Partner, Educators Collaborative
Listing Date: February 5, 2025

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